Breast Cancer

Breast cancer arises in the cells of the breasts. It occurs when the breast cell grows out of control, creating a mass of tissue or tumour. Smoking, alcohol, obesity, radiation therapy and hormone replacement therapy are some of the major causes of breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most general types of cancer that can occur both in men and women, but its noticeably more prominent in women and is the leading cause of death among them.

The word cancer itself sounds scary and can make any individual feel daunted and something that cannot be cured. But with proper treatment and early detection, breast cancer can be healed. And we at Anand Hospital are on a mission to provide you best treatment possible based on your health condition. With the use of advanced technologies and an excellent team of experienced doctors, we will fight together and defeat cancer.


Early Breast Cancer

Breast cancer that has not grown outside the breast or the lymph nodes in the underarm areas. This involves ductal carcinoma in situ, Stage I, Stage IIA, Stage IIB and Stage III A breast cancers.


Consult a doctor if you encounter any of the following symptoms:

• Pain in any part of the breast.

• Swelling of breast

• Change in the nipple shape.

• Lump formation under armpit or breast

• Unusual nipple discharge.

If detected early, the prognosis or the survival chance of a patient suffering from breast cancer increases. And with proper treatment; growing of breast cancer in other parts can be prevented and, in many cases, it can be healed or get rid of it entirely. So, if you or your loved one experiences any such symptoms, we recommend to consult your doctor or contact us for treatment or a second opinion.

Locally Advanced Breast Cancer

The term Locally Advanced Breast Cancer denotes the advanced stage of breast cancer that has only spread to breast tissue and lymph nodes.


People diagnosed with LABC might experience the following symptoms:

• Breast tumour of more than 5 centimeters

• Skin sores

• Swollen lymph nodes

• Inflammation that causes burning, swelling, or redness affecting the breast

• Rapid growth in breast size

• Everted nipples

Though the possibility of curing Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) is lesser as compared to when the cancer is small and restrained to the breast, healing Is only possible with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.

Advanced Breast Cancer

Advanced Breast Cancer or Metastatic Cancer or Stage IV Cancer indicates that the breast cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body, most often to the bones, lungs, brain or liver.
Metastasis is the term that denotes the process of spreading cancer. It occurs when cancer cells separate from the primary tumour in the breast through the bloodstream or lymphatic system and spread to other body parts.


Advanced Breast Cancer symptoms can vary depending on cancer’s location, but might include

• Difficulty in breathing

• Unbearable headaches

• Joint or backbone pain that stops at nothing

• Difficulty in urinating

• Tiredness in any part of the body

• Continuous dry coughing

• Pain in the chest

• Pain or bloating of the abdomen

• Vision-related issues like double vision, blurry vision and even loss of vision.

• Jaundice

• Strokes

Since every cancer is unique, the way of treating cancer varies depending on different individuals. Doctors generally treat metastatic breast cancer with a well-organized treatment in order to treat the cancer of the whole body. Treatments include hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and sometimes includes minor surgeries or radiation to treat a specific part of the body.

It’s important to find which treatments would work best for you and that will cure your cancer with minimal side effects. With an excellent team of oncologist doctors and nurses, Anand Cancer Hospital offers the best treatment possible based on your medical condition.